DCL (Deepika Children’s League) is a registered organization for school children aiming at their integral growth in social, cultural and religious fields. It provides a lot of opportunities for the young generation. DCL was born out of the vision of Rev. Fr. Abel CMI, the founder of KALABHAVAN, the famous art education institute in Kochi, Kerala.

DCL was started in 1952 and over six lakhs children are members of it. DCL has as its patron the President of India. Later, its second unit was started in 1983 by a group of CMI fathers in Dharmaram College, Bangalore. It renders its service to children in educational, social, health care and other activities aiming at the integral development of society. Students of all religions, castes, creeds and languages are encouraged to be part of this organization. It also prepares the students to cope with the new challenges of the modern world by organizing various activities like integral growth workshops, personality development programmes, leadership camps, etc.

In brief, it is an association to make the children better-equipped citizens of our country and the well-formed leaders of our nation. in the pursuit of excellence and integral growth, DCL envisages to develop mental aptitudes, physical abilities, intellectual capacities and cultural talents. The activities of DCL is getting ground and it lingers on in the minds of all those who have experienced it once.

DCL has grown to be an extremely successful institution due to the active participation of its members and their high level of commitment to lifelong learning. Over the years, DCL has contributed to the growth of many talented personalities who have been a great success in the field of music, cinema and other cultural and literary fields.